Top 37 Planeswalker Characters in War of the Spark

War of the Spark is almost here and I figured now would be as good a time as any to go ahead and rank the 37 planeswalker characters in the set from worst to best. This isn’t an evaluation of the cards, but instead of the planeswalkers themselves and how much I care about them…

Announcing Return to the Scars of the Battle for Zenravodin

Set Name: Return to the Scars of the Battle for Zenravodin Block: Set 1 of 2 in the Return to the Scars of the Battle for Zenravodin block Number of cards: 274.5 Prerelease Events: February 30, 2020 Release Date: March 7, 2020 Launch Weekend: March 7 – 9, 2020 Game Day: April 1 – 3, 2020 Pro Tour Return to the Scars of…

Anticipating Battle for Zendikar Block

Zendikar is considered one of the most popular and well loved blocks in the history of Magic: the Gathering. It introduced one of the most popular and successful mechanics to exist: landfall. Rise of the Eldrazi is considered to be among the best draft environments ever. Two of the most powerful cards ever printed originated in Worldwake: Jace,…

Decked Out: Jeskai Control – Shawn Harper (Standard)

The time has come again for a new edition of Decked Out, and this time we’re featuring the winning decklist from the Florida TCGPlayer Standard State Championships. The Championships were a while ago, but I actually have a personal interest in this one; the winner of the standard Championships was a friend of mine, someone who’s…

In My Experience: Khans of Tarkir Game Day

I’m just going to say it now: I haven’t played standard in almost an entire year. As much as I talk about, research, and look into standard I just haven’t played it. Why? Well, there were these little decks called Mono-Blue and Mono-Black that I just hated, and because of them I pretty much stayed…

Decked Out: Bloodied Warriors (Standard)

Wow, it seems like forever since we’ve done a Decked Out, what with previews and a Grand Prix to take up the time, but it’s finally here. This time, I’m presenting something original, and while you may have seen something similar elsewhere, this specific list is of original design. There are a lot of crazy decks…

In My Experience: Grand Prix Orlando 2014

A Magic: the Gathering Grand Prix is the most common official tournament that Wizards supports; if you want to begin your quest to become a Magic pro then the Grand Prix circuit is often where you’ll start. A Grand Prix is a massive gathering of players from around the region, country, and world all coming together in one…

In My Experience: First Khans of Tarkir Draft

I finally managed to get my hands on Khans of Tarkir for the purpose of drafting, and it was awesome. This edition of In My Experience is all about that first draft and my initial impressions and lessons from the maiden tables. This new set is totally awesome, and I’m happy to be able to share the…

In My Experience: Khans of Tarkir Prerelease

Khans of Tarkir is finally here, and today we have a look back at earlier this week with the prerelease. Specifically, we’re going to look at my experiences at the prereleases I went to. Hopefully you learn something along the way and enjoy the ride!

Khans of Tarkir Prerelease – What Should You Play?

The prerelease for Khans of Tarkir (KTK) is almost here, and just in time for tomorrow’s fun, I’ve thrown together a quick guide for each clan so you know what you’re getting yourself into with each choice. We’re going to take a look at some key commons and uncommons for each clan as well as key…